Critical Situation:
Israelis Bulldozing Jayyous
Pamela Olson
20 December 2004
New Pictures!
They look pretty pastoral because I've mostly taken
pictures of Jayyous, which reminds me of all the best
parts of my childhood -- dozens of cousins running
around, meals together, picking fresh fruits off trees
and from the garden, spending lots of time out under
the sky, appreciating each other and laughing a lot.
The life is really gorgeous. The fact that it's being
destroyed and stolen is beyond belief, impossible to
I haven't taken many pictures of my citified life in
Ramallah. You know how it goes: never taking enough
pictures of things until you are about to leave them.
I took all the ones in Jayyous because I was afraid it
might be my last chance to do so. By next year,
things could change tremendously for the worse.
Israelis are bulldozing Jayyous land as we speak for a
new settlement (see below). This might leave
Jayyous's land, already half-destroyed and de facto
annexed by Israel, open to permanent annexation by
Israel, which would effectively destroy the village
and the lives of all my friends and their friends and
family there.
As of 20 December 2004, according to a peace activist
in Israel:
The bulldozers came back to the Jayyous land this
morning, after yesterday's fracas, arrest and
The trees are being uprooted despite army (DCO
Kedumim) assurances that there would be a meeting with
the army on the land at 1.00 p.m. today. The army
having refused until now even to come and review that
situation on site... By 1.00 p.m. there will be no
trees left to discuss.
The trees are being uprooted despite the surveyor's
report of last week not having yet been processed by
the DCO and Palestinians together. Uprooted, the
final trees, despite the lawyer for the settlers
agreeing that nothing would happen on the land until
The trees are being shipped out and sold on the black
market despite a meeting planned between lawyers and
DCO and Palestinian landowners tomorrow at Beit El
Military Court to survey maps, to see why the wrong
number appears on settler paperwork.
Someone is lying or at least working in extremely bad
faith as the landowners firmly believe their land has
not been sold. The army say they are only fulfilling
The Palestinian lawyers believe there is no chance of
success in going to Bagatz to stop the bulldozers,
because the settlers have paperwork "proving" that
they own the land. Even though it was never sold to
them and the Palestinians have not seen that paperwork
or deed of sale, etc.
Earlier update 19 December:
At 10.30 a.m. today a private company, Sunduk Madrasat
Israel company, situated in the settlement of Zufin,
returned to Jayyous land with heavy machinery despite
the fact that it is still heavily disputed as to
ownership. One of them told me over the phone he had
a fax letter from DCO Kedumim (Israeli settlement
authority) allowing him to work the land. The army
was present during the work - four soldiers, but left
in the middle, leaving five private security guards
DCO Kedumim (Officer Gilad) said the Palestinians
"knew from last week what the situation is, the
settlers own the land, have title deeds and can work
on it." The latter statement is in dispute as to the
Palestinian, Tawfiq Salim, who says there is a mistake
in the parcel numbers which the company has listed and
this is still being explored by lawyers needing to
check maps on file at Beit El Military Court, together
with the recent land survey report. He never sold his
land which is number 32. Nor is he the neighbour of
the land sold (786 or 788), which is 3 kms away.
According to the Israeli court decision, "all the
lands are part of 786 and 788."
The Israeli authorities have recently changed all the
numbers of the land parcels, so without a map the
Palestinians could not understand what land was being
discussed for bulldozing.
There was supposed to be a 9.00 a.m. meeting at
Kedumim DCO today between the Palestinians' lawyer
(Hesham Nasser), the landowners, plus Moshe Glick
lawyer for the company and quarry, and Yigal Tzufi of
Civil Administration.
This morning, Abu Azzam was told the army cancelled it
because Yigal Tzufi could not make it and Abu Azzam
was waiting for another appointment. The lawyer
Hesham Nasser is intending to go on Tuesday to Beit
El, with DCO liaison, to try to review the maps on
file there, to determine if there has not been some
mistake following a 1996 Court decision which allowed
both Tawfiq and Abu Azzam to keep their land, while
the State designated 1,362 dunums of Jayyous land as
"state land".
The Zufin settlement was established in 1992 and the
quarry started work in 1993 on that land, years before
the Court ruled on its legal status. According to
Captain Mansour of DCO, Tawfiq's land was sold and
registered in 2002, BUT TAWFIQ SAYS HE DID NOT SELL
The landowners could only get through the gate at
12.30 when it opened. 50 more trees (according to a
Japanese journalist who filmed and photographed
events) had been newly uprooted. Three trucks were
seen leaving, probably with trees under tarpaulin.
Abu Azzam heard from his lawyer that Moshe Glick, the
settlers' lawyer, issued orders for the bulldozer to
stop work. The bulldozer did not stop. So farmer
knelt in front of it, and another threw rocks at the
bulldozer's glass window, and it stopped. The driver
and one security guard were lightly injured in the
ensuing scuffle. After the bulldozer had been
stopped, they and bulldozer retreated and withdrew.
The army arrived back after this and arrested a
Palestinian, Mohammed Jamil. In the evening (4.30
p.m.) another Palestinian child (age 11) was also
arrested, Nur Abdulrahim Salim.
There was a visit yesterday to Jayyous of the EU
Ambassador for the Middle East Peace Process, Marc
Otte (the Swedish Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
and British diplomats have visited in recent days),
and there are plans to return in the forthcoming days
to update last week's map, as the situation is worse
than originally estimated. There is a real danger
much more of the village's land may be "grabbed" by
the state/settlers as it has fallen fallow, due to the
inability of the farmers to reach it because of the
Fence/Wall, despite original promises that they would
have reasonable access.
The village is currently without electricity, so
photographs are not yet available online. Doi is a
professional journalist but may be open to allowing
some of his film footage and stills to be used.
For further details:
Abu Azzam (Sharif Omar) 0547-369771 / 09-2900116
Doi Toshikuni (Japanese journalist): 0547-475466
Angela: 0547-366393 / 02-6715198
Previous update, 16 December:
An editorial in Haaretz today ("Not one single
settlement "www.haaretz.com) comments, "...there is
energetic ground-breaking work going on in an attempt
to establish new facts on the ground. The suspicion
is that the government is trying to draw up a new map
strewn with Jewish settlement points before the
Americans come to the region to draw their own map fo
the settlements."
"Anyone who has been following the settlement project
since its inception knows that most of it has come
about using the method of promises are one thing,
winks are another thing and construction is quite
Latest developments in Jayyous (12/16/04)
Farmers expect bulldozing of their land to resume at
any time.
On Thursday, Dec. 9th Israeli contractors guarded by
settlers arrived with earthmoving equipment and
uprooted 117 olive trees belonging to a Jayyous farmer
on the 75% of Jayyous’ remaining land that is trapped
behind the Separation Barrier. Some trees were trucked
to Israel to be sold. When the farmers protested, they
were shown a document of sale of the land to the
settlers. Photos and details of the incident can be
seen at
On Sunday, Dec. 12th farmers went to the regional
military authority at the settlement of Kedumim to
contest the documents and are now engaged in a legal
battle to prove that the proof of sale was forged.
However the Israeli army has indicated to the farmers
that they are confident the Israeli settlers can have
the land.
Temporary street signs in Hebrew have been placed on
these lands, including one that says, "Sharon Street."
Another farmer, Sharif Omar (Abu Azzam), owns land
which is designated on the new map for an expanded
Israeli military training ground; on Sunday the
Israeli military authority denied that his land has
been confiscated. His lawyer expects that the army
plans to use it on a "temporary" basis (months or
As Sharif Omar will not be allowed to enter a
restricted military area, he will have no ability to
farm his land, and he anticipates that his 1,300 fruit
and olive trees will die. However, he cannot contest
this in military court until he is served with a
notice from the Israeli government. Often,
construction on the land begins before a notice ever
It seems this is also the status of the land owned by
the other farmers on the land planned for the building
of 1,500 - 4,000 Jewish-only housing units. (3,500
native villagers live in Jayyous while 4000 villagers
live in exile.) The settlement is planned to be
constructed in a long strip which will also block
access from the village to land on the other side of
it. It is possible that some of the village homes
will be destroyed because their proximity to the
settlement will be a “security” concern to the armed
300 of Jayyous’ 520 families are already relying on
humanitarian aid to survive. This settlement spells
the end of the road for a pastoral village which was
once self-sufficient.
Links to reports with more detail can be found below.
Watch for a special report on Jayyous on Mon 12/20/04
on www.flashoints.net
As a result of our phone calls over the past two
weeks, the US State Department, RI Senators, US
Embassy to Israel and US Consulate are well aware of
the situation in Jayyous. Senator Chafee is sending a
letter to the State Department about the situation.
This is a good step, but it is unlikely that this in
itself will stop the settlement. Our goal now is to
call and write all our senators, especially members of
the Foreign Relations Sub-Committee, to insist that
they take strong action against the building of
another Israeli settlement in Jayyous.
Please take a few of the following actions every day
until the settlement is stopped. Our government is
deeply committed to Israel’s interests and success in
getting strong action will depend upon us overwhelming
them with the volume of our calls and our insistence
that our taxes and political cover not be used to
destroy the community of Jayyous.
1. Call your Senators at their DC offices:
Insist that they explain what action they are taking
to stop the settlement.
Additional contact info for your senators can be found
U.S. Rep. Lois Capps has spoken out strongly against
the Wall in the past
2. Call the members of the Foreign Relations
Sub-committee (Near East): 1-800-839-5276.
Barbara Boxer, Ranking Member (CA)
Jon S. Corzine (NJ)
John D. Rockefeller(WV)
Paul S. Sarbanes (MD)
Lincoln Chafee, Chairman (RI)
Chuck Hagel (NE)
Sam Brownback (KS)
George V. Voinovich (OH)
Demand that they convey they support of Chafee’s
initiative to the State Department and follow with
strong action to stop the settlement.
3. Fax or write William Burns at the State Dept. as he
won’t take our calls. They are part of the executive
branch and state that the US officially opposes
Israel’s construction of new settlements, yet they say
they are unable to take action without orders.
William Burns, State Dept, NEA/IPA, Rm 6251, 2201 "C"
St. WA DC 20520, Fax: 202 736 4461.
4. Fax or email the Israeli Ministry of Justice:
Fax: 011 972 2 6285438, Email: sar@justice.gov.il.
Demand that Israel cease all confiscation of Jayyous
land through forged documents or any other means.
5. Call Israeli State Land Officer Galad at the
Kedumim settlement which oversees the occupation of
Jayyous: (from US) 011 972 057 772 9785.
6. Please report your participation and anything you
learned in your conversations to: RIQA@juno.com so we
can gauge the progress of this campaign.
On Nov. 29th, farmers in the Palestinian agricultural
village of Jayyous found Israeli construction crews
with US-made Caterpillar earthmoving equipment
destroying village farmland. The construction workers
said that they had orders from the Israeli army to
build 80 Jewish housing units as the start of a
settlement called Zufim North and expect they may use
500 acres of land belonging to 79 Jayyous families.
Families of the community of Jayyous have farmed their
ancestral orchards and fields for many hundreds of
years. They first lost 500 acres of land in 1948 to
Israel. The rest of Jayyous was captured in 1967 by
Israel and in the years since Israel has stolen more
and more of the land and water resources of the
Jayyous community.
The Jewish settlement of Zufim was built in 1989 on
land belonging to Jayyous families. Jewish setters
from Zufim in the past have stoned Palestinian farmers
and stolen their agricultural produce. The LIDAR
corporation is the developer for Zufim. LIDAR is owned
by Lev Leviev, who is said to be the richest man in
Israel and is associated with the Lubavitch Chassidic
sect which opposes giving any land to a Palestinan
state, believing God meant for all the land "between
the river and the sea" to be settled by Jews.
LIDAR confiscated additional land from Palestinian
farmer Sharif Omar for the building of the Zufim North
quarry a few years ago. The quarry has blasted deeper
and deeper into the farm land and is now just 15 feet
from the water reservoir which provides most of the
water for Jayyous' farmers and risks being destroyed
by the explosions.
Two years ago farmers in Jayyous found military orders
in their orchards saying that some of their farmland
would be destroyed for the building of a Seperation
Barrier that would run 6km deep into Jayyous land from
the Green line (Israel/West Bank border) and 75% of
their remaining land would be trapped behind this
Jayyous organized active non-violent campaigns to
resist this. Jayyous farmers offered to share the cost
of the wall to have it built on the green line instead
of severing their land, but Israel was not interested.
Israel stated the Barrier was for security, not
illegal land theft, but farmers anticipated that the
Barrier would be used to annex existing Jewish
settlements and additional land to Israel to be used
as “facts on the ground” in further negotiatons.
Farmer Sharif Omar testified at the Hague regarding
the impact of the Barrier on his community. The US
House of Representatives passed a resolution opposing
the IC’s ruling regarding the illegal nature of the
Barrier. Since the creation of the barrier farmers
have struggled to access their land behind the
Israel would only allow access through the successful
application for a temporary permit; since the farmers
finally accepted that they would have to do this,
permits have often been issued to babies, dead people,
people living abroad, or those over 50 while many of
the farmers whose families and community depend on the
land have been denied permits. This, along with
restriction from taking produce to markets, has
resulted in the economic collapse of this agricultural
community, and devastating anguish and despair for its
people whose identity and livelihood is drawn from the
land. In the past Israel has prevented Palestinian
farmers from access to their land and then declared
the land abandoned and confiscated it under the
Ottoman Land Law of 1858.
The first warning of the current land confiscation
came in mid-July of this year, when a group of Jewish
settlers and Israeli army troops arrived in buses and
jeeps and filmed staged confrontations, some of the
Israeli settlers playing the part of Palestinians.
Afterwards, Jayyous residents saw signs posted in the
area with the names of famous Zionists, and saw that
further properties had been marked to be confiscated.
A new dirt road was built leading towards the illegal
settlement of Zufim, which has already confiscated 450
acres of Jayyous' farm land. in November, Military
Order #04/75646-2004 was issued, stating that "no
building is to be allowed within a 300 meter wide area
on the eastern side of the Wall," further hampering
development of towns already hemmed in by the barrier,
and possibly presaging demolition of already-built
structures near the fence. (StopTheWall.org, Dec. 1)
Intervews with a farmer and a landowner from Jayyous
about the situation can be heard online at
www.flashpoints.net (report from Wednesday, Dec. 1st:
Photos of Jayyous can be found at
www.jayyousonline.org. in the Arabic section of the
website at the blue highlighted tab. We also have
video interviews and footage from Jayyous available.
Efforts in the US to halt the settlement:
When Jayyous first informed us of the situation on
(see email below) RIQA and others around the country
began to contact our Senators, the State Dept, The US
Consulate in Israel and the US Embassy in Jerusalem to
inform them of the situation and demand that they
intervene. One of the RI organizers had several
meetings with government representatives in Washington
to explain the situation in detail with photos and
maps. The state department continues to tell us that
although they are part of the executive branch, and
although the US position officially opposes the
building of settlements, they have no power to
intervene, our government does not tell Israel what to
do. We were told that not since the time of James
Baker has the State Dept had that kind of direct and
open dialog with the Israeli government (despite the
free and open dialog the US treasury has with the
Israeli treasury).
In one case David Green hung up on a caller when
Jayyous was mentioned. The US embassy in Jerusalem
claims they have been reporting to Washington on the
situation but only do what they are instructed to by
Washington. Senator Chafee, who is head of the Foreign
Relations Sub-committee on the Middle East, has
recently returned from Jerusalem. He described the
situation as "heartbreaking" to one caller, and his
office is writing to the state department to express
concerns. Senator Reed has shown no indication of
responding to constituents. Rep. Kennedy and Rep.
Langevin have on their record the recent vote
denouncing the International Court of Justice for
daring to rule that the Israeli wall through
Palestinian lands is illegal.
Efforts in Europe
Netherlands Palestine Committee: Emergency Call To
Save The Land Of JAYYOUS
Links to articles on the current situation in Jayyous
Israelis hasten land grab in shadow of wall:
Bulldozers go in as expansion of settlements continues
The Guardian.Chris McGreal,Dec 14, 2004
Israel's wall hems in livelihoods -- and dreams
Sharif Omar (Abu Azzam) from Jayyous, Dec. 16, 2004
Photo story:
Two Years in Jayyus. Photos and Info
Credit: PENGON/Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign.
December 15th, 2004.
Do the Wall’s Roots Start to Reveal Themselves?
Personal Testimony, Abdul-Latif Khaled from Jayyous,,
December 5th, 2004
Olive Trees uprooted in Jayyous apparently to make
Room for another Settlement
EAPPI, Christoph Gocke living in Jayyous,
More Land Grabs possible in Jayyous
EAPPI, Iaian Connon, 10 Dec. 2004
Update From Jayyous: Israeli Settlement Seizes
Palestinian Farmland
World War 3 Report David Bloom
The Slow Creep of Israel's Annexation
Zmag, John Petrovato, Dec 9, 2004
Israeli settlers uproot olive trees in Palestinian
John petrovato 11 Dec 2004
Settlers uproot Palestinian olive grove
Haaretz, Arnon Regular, 10 December 2004
Haaretz A one-time Hanukkah miracleThe story of a very
large cruse of oil, an Orthodox kibbutz and a
Palestinian village, Akiva Eldar December 10, 2004

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